Authors must submit their final version of camera-ready papers electronically in PDF format through the Online Paper Submission no later than August 31, 2021. (The final paper submission system will be open on August 20, 2021.)
Before submitting the final version, authors are expected to revise their paper taking into account the feedback from the reviewers. Only the final version of your accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings.
Instruction for Final Paper Submission
For more questions and information, please refer to the following instructions and/or contact us by E-mail ( or Tel. +82-2-6949-5801 (ext.3).
1. At least one of the authors listed on the paper contribution MUST be registered for the conference when the final version is uploaded. Please make a registration before the final paper submission.
(All of the conference participants should complete the registration.)
* Note: A single regular or student conference registration can be used to upload one contribution.
* Note: A maximum of two (2) additional pages is permitted at an extra charge (USD 100 per page).
2. Please submit the Final Paper (PDF).
– Final Paper: Upload the final version in PDF format.
* Note: Submitted papers MUST be in Portable Document Format (PDF). No other formats will be accepted.
* Note: The size of PDF file to be sent electronically should NOT exceed two megabytes (10 MB), regardless of the number of pages.
** The Copyright of the final paper included in the ICCAS 2021 Proceedings belongs to the Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) of Korea. **
Guideline of Uploading Final Papers
1. You login in with your ID and password at
2. Click Registration menu
You must complete your information and search your paper with your paper number.
3. Pay the appropriate registration fee.
4. Click Submission menu
Look for your paper and click Submission/Modification button.
Type your registered email.
5. You will see Submit Final Paper window.
You are required to provide the following:
-1. Digest (maximum 600 characters).
Please write your paper digest.
It should NOT contain more than 600 characters.
Any characters beyond the limit will be eliminated automatically.
“Characters : X” indicates the remaining number of characters.
-2. Upload the pdf file of your paper.
-3. Presenter Biography
Please enter your Biography.
-4. Presentation Video File (VOD)
The maximum file size is 150M, and the acceptable video formats are .mp4,.wmv and .avi.
It can be uploaded by September 24, 2021.
– 5. Click
“I agree”.
6. Click Submit or Modify button below.
You CAN modify your submission later.